
Graham & Fiona's Xmas Message - 2022

  Graham & Fiona's Xmas Message - 2022 As we have done for a number of years we are not sending cards, instead we have given a donation to Isabel Hospice, a local charity.  This has been another very strange year.  We hope this message finds you safe and well and you have managed to survive the restrictions and get some relaxing family time and hopefully managed a vacation or two.   We wish you all a happy Xmas spent with your family and friends .  With our best wishes for a prosperous 2023 in what will be challenging times. As 2022 started Graham was looking forward to family celebrations on his birthday in late January.  Not to be as COVID struck him down quickly followed by the rest of the family.  That put paid to any celebrations and kept us in isolation for nearly 2 weeks.  Best laid plans and all that. We took the adventurous step of booking a holiday on the island of Majorca for March.  As March approached the flights, rules and requirements to travel almost put paid to